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September 17th, 2019|Business|

Can You Pick My Brain?? You sure can! I get that a lot. My goal is to help you save you months of hair-pulling searching so you can maximize your productivity and finally get to your next level. Close the multiple tabs, turn off the YouTube video playing in the back, say goodbye to endless hours on support

  • Buildings

Dealing With Expansion

September 17th, 2019|Business|

Skyscrapers: Photography by Samson Choosing The Right Method Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nec pellentesque purus. Nunc finibus urna eget est molestie, non dignissim nulla cursus. Proin hendrerit, lacus vitae imperdiet rhoncus, tortor quam sodales lorem, vitae hendrerit est nulla at dolor. Quisque dictum dui eget turpis dapibus pharetra. Morbi feugiat dolor

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Unlocking Your True Potential

June 14th, 2023|Podcast, The Designer Show|

In the pursuit of personal growth and self-improvement, coaching courses have emerged as a powerful tool to overcome obstacles, develop new skills, and unlock untapped potential.  We will explore the numerous benefits of coaching courses for personal growth and

Going From Good To Great

June 13th, 2023|Podcast, The Designer Show|

Going from good to great requires focus, discipline, and a willingness to continuously improve. Here are some tips to help you reach your full potential and make the leap from good to great: Set clear and measurable goals: Identify

Just Do It!

June 13th, 2023|Podcast, The Designer Show|

Have you ever had a dream that you were too afraid to pursue? Maybe you thought it was too unrealistic, too challenging, or just not meant for you. The truth is, we all have dreams, but too often we

What Is Imposter Syndrome?

June 13th, 2023|Podcast, The Designer Show|

Impostor syndrome is a psychological phenomenon where individuals doubt their own abilities and accomplishments and fear being exposed as a “fraud.” This can result in feelings of insecurity, low self-esteem, and decreased performance despite evidence of high achievement. The

  • Episode 3: How To Use Gradients

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